Can you guess how many bananas were in the box?
There was a shipwreck at sea and Doug, Steve, and Phil got washed ashore on a small, isolated island. They were exhausted and fell asleep on the beach. Doug woke up and saw a box of bananas had washed ashore. He ate 1/3 of bananas and went back to sleep. Steve woke up and also ate 1/3 of what was left of the bananas, and went back to sleep. Next, Phil woke up and assuming no one had eaten the bananas, ate only 1/3 of what was left. When he was finished, there were only 8 bananas left. Can you guess how many bananas were in the box?
Hump Day Humor: Fresh Jokes to Get You Over the Week
Sometimes I wake up grumpy…
But other times I let her sleep in!
What smells better than it tastes?
A nose.
I have 6 legs, 4 arms and a 3 heads. What am i?
A liar.
Bruce Lee had a vegan brother.
Broco Lee.
I have been teaching my dog to fetch tools from my workshop…
He's not perfect, but he knows the drill!
When I turned 18, I went down to the courthouse to petition to change my name.
The clerk asked me why. "Just look at my application," I said. "If you were named Oskar Von Wootengootenbootenshoot, wouldn't you want something different?"
The clerk said, "I suppose you've got a point."
I said, "Yeah, I don't like Oskar, either."
Such an unusual name, "Latrine." How did your family come by it?
We changed it in the 9th century.
You mean you changed it TO 'Latrine?'
Yeah. Used to be 'Shithouse.'