

Tasks and questions for connoisseurs of movies. These are the tasks listed 1 to 10.
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Take a look at the picture of ...

Take a look at the picture of the movie scene and guess the name of the person whose face is not visible. Length of words in solution: 3,6
Correct answers: 18
The first user who solved this task is Fazil Hashim.
#brainteasers #movie #film #cinemania

CINEMANIA: Guess the movie title

See negative of movie scene and guess the title. Length of words in solution: 3,8
Correct answers: 46
The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T.
#brainteasers #movie #film #cinemania

Take a look at the picture of ...

Take a look at the picture of the movie scene and guess the name of the person whose face is not visible. Length of words in solution: 5,6
Correct answers: 26
The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T.
#brainteasers #movie #film #cinemania

Hanukkah Songs That Never Quite Caught On:

-Oy to the World

– Schlepping Through A Winter Wonderland

– Hava Negilah – The Megamix

– Bubbie Yetta Got Run Over By A Reindeer

– Enough With Those G** D**** Jingle Bells Already…Sheez!

– Matzo Man (By The Lower East Side Village People)

– I Have A Little Dreidel (The Barking Dog Version)

– Come On Baby, Light My Menorah

– Deck The Halls With Balls of Matzos

– Silent Night? I Should Be So Lucky!

Jokes of the day - Daily updated jokes. New jokes every day.

Take a look at the picture of ...

Take a look at the picture of the movie scene and guess the name of the person whose face is not visible. Length of words in solution: 9,8
Correct answers: 35
The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T.
#brainteasers #movie #film #cinemania

CINEMANIA: Guess the movie title

See negative of movie scene and guess the title. Length of words in solution: 8
Correct answers: 13
The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T.
#brainteasers #movie #film #cinemania

CINEMANIA: Guess the movie title

See negative of movie scene and guess the title. Length of words in solution: 3
Correct answers: 28
The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T.
#brainteasers #movie #film #cinemania

Take a look at the picture of ...

Take a look at the picture of the movie scene and guess the name of the person whose face is not visible. Length of words in solution: 5,5
Correct answers: 21
The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T.
#brainteasers #movie #film #cinemania

CINEMANIA: Guess the movie title

See negative of movie scene and guess the title. Length of words in solution: 6,9
Correct answers: 15
The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T.
#brainteasers #movie #film #cinemania

Take a look at the picture of ...

Take a look at the picture of the movie scene and guess the name of the person whose face is not visible. Length of words in solution: 6,14
Correct answers: 32
The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T.
#brainteasers #movie #film #cinemania

CINEMANIA: Guess the movie title

See negative of movie scene and guess the title. Length of words in solution: 4,4,1,4,2,9
Correct answers: 16
The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T.
#brainteasers #movie #film #cinemania
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The computer chose a secret code (sequence of 4 digits from 1 to 6). Your goal is to find that code. Black circles indicate the number of hits on the right spot. White circles indicate the number of hits on the wrong spot.
Last Correct Answer

Top 10 Users (1174)

1. H Tav
2. c. raj.
3. Nasrin 24 T
4. Fazil Hashim
5. Thinh Ddh
6. Alfa Omega
7. Djordje Timotijevic
8. Mita Kojd
9. Jakubovski Vladimir
10. Chandu Rajyaguru
See full ranking list

John R. Whinnery

Born 26 Jul 1916.John Roy Whinnery is an American electrical engineer known for his work on microwave theory and laser experimentation. He worked on the problem of He-Ne laser modulation, the transmission of laser light for optical communication and photo thermal effects. Later he changed his research field to quantum electronics and opto-electronics. He co-authored the classic textbook, Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics, before he had a doctoral degree while working 6 days a week in microwaves at General Electric during WW II. His current research interest is communications applications of lasers, with emphasis on short-pulse phenomena.
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