Find a famous person
Find the first and the last name of a famous person. Text may go in all 8 directions. Length of words in solution: 4,7.Correct answers: 20
The first user who solved this task is Djordje Timotijevic.
#brainteasers #wordpuzzles

A lawyer calls a plumber for help...
The plumber assesses the situation and says, "I can fix it today for $800."
The lawyer, surprised, asks, "How long will it take?" The plumber replies, "I'll need about an hour to get a part from the supply house and another hour to do the repair."
The lawyer, smirking, says, "Two hours for $800? That's $400 per hour! I'm a lawyer, and I charge $350 per hour!"
The plumber nods and says, "Yes, I understand. That's why I left my law practice."