Find number abc
If b3cb3 - b0839 = a9a4 find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist.Correct answers: 70
The first user who solved this task is Donya Sayah30.
#brainteasers #math
Carl Friedrich GaussDied 23 Feb 1855 at age 77 (born 30 Apr 1777). Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss was a German mathematician who transformed nearly all areas of mathematics, for which his talent showed from a very early age. For his contributions to theory in magnetism and electricity, a unit of magnetic field has been named the gauss. He devised the method of least squares in statistics, and his Gaussian error curve remains well-known. He anticipated the SI system in his proposal that physical units should be based on a few absolute units such as length, mass and time. In astronomy, he calculated the orbits of the small planets Ceres and Pallas by a new method. He invented the heliotrope for trigonometric determination of the Earth's shape. With Wilhelm Weber, he developed an electromagnetic telegraph and two magnetometers.«[Name also spelled Karl.] |