Find number abc
If 99722 - c8869 = b08ba find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist.Correct answers: 45
The first user who solved this task is Djordje Timotijevic.
#brainteasers #math
Bronx High School of ScienceIn 1938, the Bronx High School of Science was voted by the Board of Education to be established by repurposing an existing school building in the Bronx at 184th St. and Creston Ave. It opened in Sep 1938, the first of its kind in New York City. A report by the Board of Superintendents had recommended creating an instiution to develop a scientific way of thinking, with science courses to train prospective physicians, dentists, engineers and laboratory workers. Using entrance exams to screen for suitable ability, about 400 boys were admitted upon opening, and more in subsequent years to a full enrollment of about 2,500. The building was remodelled with laboratories and other facilities including an auditorium equipped for demonstrations to the entire student body. From the outset, it was questioned why girls were not admitted, but it became co-ed in 1946. Its graduates include several Nobel Prize winners.« |