Find number abc
If a7970 - 29174 = c79b find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist.Correct answers: 32
The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T.
#brainteasers #math
John EvelynDied 27 Feb 1706 at age 85 (born 31 Oct 1620).English country gentleman, diarist, author of some 30 books on the fine arts, forestry, and religious topics. A lifelong member of the Royal Society, he produced for the commissioners of the navy the book, Sylva, or a Discourse of Forest-trees, and the Propagation of Timber (1664), encouraging estate owners to plant timber for the navy. It was the first important work on conservation, published at a time when English forests were being stripped of timber to build ships for the expanding British Navy. The book gave a description of the various kinds of trees, their cultivation, uses, and advice on pruning, insect control, wound treatment, and transplanting. The study, with numerous modifications, had gone through 10 editions by 1825. |