Find number abc
If 3bba4 - 2c008 = 5b8c find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist.Correct answers: 21
The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T.
#brainteasers #math
Johannes HeveliusDied 28 Jan 1687 at age 76 (born 28 Jan 1611).German astronomer, who studying in Leiden and established his own observatory on the rooftops of several houses. From four years' telescopic study of the Moon, using telescopes of long focal power, Hevelius compiled Selenographia ("Pictures of the Moon", 1647), an atlas of the Moon with some of the earliest detailed maps. A few of his names for lunar mountains (e.g., the Alps) are still in use, and a lunar crater is named for him. Hevelius is today best remembered for his use of "aerial" telescopes of enormous focal length and his rejection of telescopic sights for stellar observation and positional measurement. He catalogued 1564 stars in Prodromus Astronomiae (1690), discovered four comets, and was one of the first to observe the transit of Mercury. He died on his birthday. |