Find number abc
If 4b39a + 24993 = b239c find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist.Correct answers: 39
The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T.
#brainteasers #math
Jean-Baptiste-Gaspard Bochart de SaronBorn 16 Jan 1730; died 20 Apr 1794 at age 64.French lawyer and natural scientist who pursued his interest in astronomy both as a productive amatuer and a patron. He assembled a significant collection of astronomical instruments made by renowned craftsmen. He both utilized then himself and gave access to his academic colleagues. In collaboration with Charles Messier, who provided the data, he calculated orbits of comets, helping his friend find them again after they had disappeared behind the sun. He funded the publication of Laplace's Theory of the Movement and Elliptic Figure of the Planets (1784). Bochart made calculations for what was at first called Herschel's comet, supposing a circular orbit at twelve time the Sun-Saturn distance. This was refined by Laplace, and contributed to the discovery of Uranus. Bochart died as a politician guillotined during the French Revolution..« |