Find number abc
If 3674c + a7a40 = 63b8c find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist.Correct answers: 39
The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T.
#brainteasers #math
Henry Martyn LelandBorn 16 Feb 1843; died 26 Mar 1932 at age 89.American inventor and industrialist who founded Cadillac Motors (22 Aug 1902) to build the Cadillac, the first automobile with high-precision, fully-interchangable parts. Earlier in his life, he had learned precision toolmaking making rifles during the Civil War, invented the first mechanical barber's clippers, and made engines for Oldsmobiles. When Leland designed an improved engine, but Olds did not want to adopt it, Leland started Cadillac to build his own own brand of automobile. He eventually sold the company to Will Durant's General Motors Co. During WW I, he formed a new company to manufactured aircraft engines, which after the war he produced a new automobile: the Lincoln. That company was bought by Henry Ford.« |