Find number abc
If cb6c6 + bac99 = 458c5 find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist.Correct answers: 20
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#brainteasers #math
Starch process patentedIn 1841, the first U.S. patent for starch processing was granted to Orlando Jones of City Road, Middlesex, England (No. 2000). Previously, corn would be steeped in water for several weeks to separate the starch by fermentation, though with limited yield. The patent described a process to extract starch from rice which shortened the production time, increased the yield, and left by-products in a condition suitable for further uses. About 50 gal. of a caustic alkali solution containing "about 200 grains of real soda or potash to the gallon", was used per 100 pounds of rice to macerate the rice for 20 - 24 hours. The rice was then washed, drained, milled, sieved, further macerated and settled, yielding a deposit of starch which was drained, washed and dried. This process was later applied to corn. Corn starch is now used in deodorants, to heal diaper rash, and to thicken gravy. |