Find number abc
If 10a23 + 35aac = bcb99 find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist.Correct answers: 7
#brainteasers #math
Erasmus ReinholdDied 19 Feb 1553 at age 41 (born 22 Oct 1511). German mathematician who was a leading mathematical astronomer in his time. He carefully calculated the first set of planetary tables applying Copernican theory, published in 1551. They were named after his financial supporter (Albert, Duke of Prussia) as the Tabulae Prutenicae. Although Reinhold's work furthered the acceptance of Copernican views, he expressed no enthusiasm for the heliocentric assumption. He merely accepted it for having merit as a mathematical device yielding practical results. His tables were superceded in three-quarters of a century by Kepler's improvements.« |