Find number abc
If c24b1 + aa420 = 1478a1 find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist.Correct answers: 1
#brainteasers #math
Davidson BlackDied 15 Mar 1934 at age 49 (born 25 Jul 1884).Canadian physician and physical anthropologist who first postulated the existence of a distinct form of early man, popularly known as Peking man. In 1920 he had a position at a Peking, China, college which gave him opportunity to investigate nearby Chou K'ou-tien. In 1927 he found a single human molar which he took to be an indicator of a small-brained ancestor, dubbed Peking man. Subsequently, more teeth, skulls, bones, tools and campfire remains were found (1929-30). These are now classifieded as examples of Homo erectus. |