Find number abc
[8013] Find number abc - If c1a97 - 1a55b = 47847 find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist. - #brainteasers #math - Correct Answers: 0
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Find number abc

If c1a97 - 1a55b = 47847 find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist.
Correct answers: 0
#brainteasers #math
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Jean-Léon-François Tricart

Born 16 Sep 1920; died 6 May 2003 at age 82.French physical geographer and climatic geomorphologist known for his extensive regional studies in numerous countries of Africa (Algeria, Senegal, Mali, the Ivory Coast, Togo, Niger, Nigeria, Liberia, Sudan) and Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Venezuela). Tricart was a pioneer in many fields of physical geography including the study of the major dynamic role of climate in landscape evolution; geomorphic cartography; and remote sensing. His extensive research included work on the geomorphology of glaciers; fluvial, Aeolian or marine dynamics; and sedimentology.«
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