Find the missing text (****S...
Find the missing text (****S). Background picture associated with the solution.Correct answers: 21
The first user who solved this task is Sanja Šabović.
#brainteasers #wordpuzzles
Atomic energy reactor shut downIn 1992, the Yankee Atomic Electric Company's nuclear reactor was permanently shut down due to reactor vessel embrittlement, after more than 31 years of service. When built, it was the third atomic reactor in the U.S., and the first for commercial production of electricity. The $57 million plant, located at Rowe, Mass., on the Deerfield River, began distributing electric power on 10 Nov 1960. The reactor achieved self-sustaining nuclear reaction on 19 Aug 1960. The pressurized light-water reactor produced 125,000 kilowatts of electricity. The company was formed by twelve New England utility companies. Decommissioning began in 1993.« |