Guess the Band Name
Which musician band has an album with a cover as in the picture?Correct answers: 23
The first user who solved this task is Djordje Timotijevic.
#brainteasers #music #riddles
Dirk BrouwerDied 31 Jan 1966 at age 63 (born 1 Sep 1902).Dutch-American astronomer and geophysicist known for his achievements in celestial mechanics, especially for his pioneering application of high-speed digital computers for astronomical computations. While still a student he determined the mass of Titan from its influence on other Saturnian moons. Brouwer developed general methods for finding orbits and computing errors and applied these methods to comets, asteroids, and planets. He computed the orbits of the first artificial satellites and from them obtained increased knowledge of the figure of the earth. His book, Methods of Celestial Mechanics, taught a generation of celestial mechanicians. He also redetermined astronomical constants. |