[8122] MAGIC SQUARE: Calculate A-B+C - The aim is to place the some numbers from the list (7, 12, 17, 19, 24, 25, 29, 30, 35, 58) into the empty squares and squares marked with A, B an C. Sum of each row and column should be equal. All the numbers of the magic square must be different. Find values for A, B, and C. Solution is A-B+C. - #brainteasers #math #magicsquare - Correct Answers: 0
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The aim is to place the some numbers from the list (7, 12, 17, 19, 24, 25, 29, 30, 35, 58) into the empty squares and squares marked with A, B an C. Sum of each row and column should be equal. All the numbers of the magic square must be different. Find values for A, B, and C. Solution is A-B+C.
Correct answers: 0
#brainteasers #math #magicsquare
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After eight days of backpackin...

After eight days of backpacking with my wife, we were looking pretty scruffy. One morning she came to breakfast in a baseball cap, her shoulder length hair sticking out at odd angles.
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I thought for a moment, then said, "If I tell you the truth, do you promise not to charge?"
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Pieter van Musschenbroek

Died 19 Sep 1761 at age 69 (born 14 Mar 1692). Dutch physicist and mathematician who invented the Leyden jar, the first effective device for storing static electricity. He grew up in a family that manufactured scientific instruments such as telescopes, microscopes and air pumps. Before Musschenbroek's invention, static electricity had been produced by Guericke using a sulphur ball, with minor effects. In Jan 1746, Musschenbroek placed water in a metal container suspended on silk cords, and led a brass wire through a cork into the water. He built up a charge in the water. When an unwary assistant touched the metal container and the brass wire, the discharge from this apparatus delivered a substantial shock of static electricity. The Leyden name is linked to the discovery having being made at the University of Leiden.
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