Remove 4 letters from this seq...
[6296] Remove 4 letters from this seq... - Remove 4 letters from this sequence (VIRUUVCOS) to reveal a familiar English word. - #brainteasers #wordpuzzles - Correct Answers: 34 - The first user who solved this task is Nílton Corrêa de Sousa
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Remove 4 letters from this seq...

Remove 4 letters from this sequence (VIRUUVCOS) to reveal a familiar English word.
Correct answers: 34
The first user who solved this task is Nílton Corrêa de Sousa.
#brainteasers #wordpuzzles
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She is infringing on my right to bear arms!

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In 1956, the first U.S. prefrontal lobotomy surgery was performed. Surgeons J.W. Watts and Walter Freeman operated on a 63-year-old woman at the George Washington University Hospital.
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