Replace asterisk symbols with ...
[5271] Replace asterisk symbols with ... - Replace asterisk symbols with a letters (*** **GH***S) and guess the name of musician band. Length of words in solution: 3,8. - #brainteasers #music - Correct Answers: 14 - The first user who solved this task is Chandu Rajyaguru
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Replace asterisk symbols with ...

Replace asterisk symbols with a letters (*** **GH***S) and guess the name of musician band. Length of words in solution: 3,8.
Correct answers: 14
The first user who solved this task is Chandu Rajyaguru.
#brainteasers #music
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Let There Be Light

I was sitting at a bar and asked the bartender where I could find a prostitute.
He told me to go to the back door, down the dark alley and give the woman there 20 bucks.
So I go outside and hand a 20 to the woman there and started getting busy. After a few minutes, a cop walks past and shines a flashlight on us and says 'What the hell are you doing?'
I said 'Having sex with my wife.' He said 'I'm sorry, I didn't realize that was your wife.'
and I said, 'Neither did I till you shined a light on her.'

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Lillian D. Wald

Died 1 Sep 1940 at age 73 (born 10 Mar 1867).American public health nurse who was influential in establishing a nationwide system of nurses in public schools. Known as "Angel of Henry Street" (New York City) because, for more than 40 years, Wald directed the Henry Street Visiting Nurse Service, while at the same time tirelessly opposing political and social corruption. She helped initiate revision of child labor laws, improved housing conditions in tenement districts, enactment of pure food laws, education for the mentally handicapped, and passage of enlightened immigration regulations.
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