Replace the question mark with a number
MATH PUZZLE: Can you replace the question mark with a number?Correct answers: 132
The first user who solved this task is H Tav.
#brainteasers #math #riddles

Ray shows up at the bar all ou...
Ray shows up at the bar all out of breath so Dewey asks him what the hell is wrong with you?
So Ray says "Ive been running from the cops but I finally lost them"
Dewey then asked "what the hell did you do?"
Ray replied " I was pissing in the shower and the cops showed up to arrest me!"
"Thats not against the law" said Dewey, "Thats what I thought," said Ray.
"But those guys at Home Depot sure must of thought it was"
So Ray says "Ive been running from the cops but I finally lost them"
Dewey then asked "what the hell did you do?"
Ray replied " I was pissing in the shower and the cops showed up to arrest me!"
"Thats not against the law" said Dewey, "Thats what I thought," said Ray.
"But those guys at Home Depot sure must of thought it was"