Ira S. BowenDied 6 Feb 1973 at age 74 (born 21 Dec 1898).Ira Sprague Bowen was an American astrophysicist whose investigation of the ultraviolet spectra of highly ionized atoms led to his explanation of the unidentified strong green spectral lines of gaseous nebulae (clouds of rarefied gas) as forbidden lines of ionized oxygen and nitrogen. This emission, appearing to match no known element, had formerly been suggested to be due to a hypothetical element, “nebulium.” Bowen was able to show, that in reality, the emission lines exactly matched those calculated to be the “forbidden lines” of ionized oxygen and nitrogen under extremely low pressure. This made a major advance in the knowledge of celestial composition. He was director of the Mt. Wilson and Palomar Observatories from 1948-64.« |