What is hidden in 3D image?
[3652] What is hidden in 3D image? - Stereogram - 3D Image - #brainteasers #stereogram #3Dimage

What is hidden in 3D image?

Stereogram - 3D Image
#brainteasers #stereogram #3Dimage
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National Dolphin Day Jokes

Today is National Dolphin Day! Find a joke about it!

Why don't dolphins play basketball?
Because they're afraid of the net!

What is a dolphin’s favourite TV programme?
Whale of fortune!

What does a dolphin ask when he doesn't understand?
Can you be more Pacific?!

How do dolphins make a decision?
They flipper coin!


Jokes of the day - Daily updated jokes. New jokes every day.
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Alfred M. Tozzer

Died 5 Oct 1954 at age 77 (born 4 Jul 1877).Alfred M(arston) Tozzer was a U.S. anthropologist and archaeologist who was an authority on the culture and language of the Maya Indians of Mexico and Central America. He conducted his initial anthropological fieldwork in California and New Mexico among the Wintun and Navajo nations during his undergraduate summers in 1900 and 1901, focusing on linguistics. He led (1909-10) an expedition to Guatemala, finding ruins at Holmul. His most important works on the Maya include Maya Grammar (1921) and Chichen Itza and its Center of Sacrifice (1957), a major synthesis of American prehistory. He earned his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Harvard, where he taught for over 40 years (1905-47).
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