What is the '?'?
What is the '?'?Author:
The Math Guru
Correct answers: 65
The first user who solved this task is Sanja Šabović.
#brainteasers #math #riddles
Heliocentricity acceptedIn 1822, it was announced by the College of Cardinals that henceforth “the printing and publication of works treating of the motion of the earth and the stability of the sun, in accordance with the opinion of modern astronomers, is permitted.” When two weeks pope Pius VII ratified the Cardinals' decree, the Catholic Church finally officially accepted the Copernican principle that on 22 Jun 1633 Italian scientist Galileo had been imprisoned for championing. It was not until 1835 that the Vatican removed Galileo's Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems from its list of banned books. Finally 31 Oct 1992, the Catholic Church admitted that Galileo had been correct.« |