With pointed fangs it sits i...
With pointed fangs it sits in wait, With piercing force its doles out fate, Over bloodless victims proclaiming its might, Eternally joining in a single bite. What am I?
Most recent Thanksgiving Jokes - fresh from 2023
What did one pumpkin pie say to the other?
"You wanna piece of me?"
How did you find grandma’s turkey this year?
I just looked next to the gravy.
Why did the policeman stop you on your way home last Thanksgiving?
Because you far exceeded your feed limit.
What did the leftover turkey say?
"Make me a sandwich!"
What’s the difference between a turkey and a chicken?
Chickens celebrate Thanksgiving.
Why do turkeys hate Thanksgiving tables?
They're a fowl sight.
Find New Thanksgiving jokes from 2023, fresh and corny.
When do you serve rubber turkey?Pranksgiving!
Who is not hungry at Thanksgiving?
The turkey, because he's already stuffed!
What do you call an attractive pilgrim?
A puri-ten!
What kind of tan did pilgrims get at the beach?
Our collection Thanksgiving jokes has jokes collected for many years.
Why didn't the pilgrim want to make the bread?It's a crummy job.
What kind of face does a pilgrim make when he's in pain?
Why did the turkey stand on stilts?
Because nobody eat flamingoes for Thanksgiving dinner.
What did the turkey say to his real estate agent?
Turn-key only.
I tried a new pie recipe.
Wow, you're a real pie-oneer.
You know you overdid it on Thanksgiving...
when you cut yourself shaving and you bleed gravy!
Not enough Thanksgiving jokes? These jokes were new not so long ago 26 funny new Thanksgiving jokes that were new on 2020!