Find number abc
If baa96 - bba71 = 2c2a find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist.Correct answers: 4
#brainteasers #math
Johnny Depp jokes
June the 9th is Johnny Depp’s Birthday!
Wish him happy birthday with these jokes.
Did Johnny Depp just win the defamation case
or was it…
Amber Heard's net worth is $2.5 million and she now has to pay Johnny Depp $15 million...
Yeah, she's forever going to be in Depp.
What did Johnny Depp's bed say when Amber Heard walked in?
You've got to be shitting me.
Why don't you ever see a group of Johnny Depp fans?
They don't like Heards.
Johnny Depp's the one guy ...
that could have used an Amber alert.
Why did Johnny Depp skip getting a booster shot?
Because he now has "Heard immunity".
What is Johnny Depp’s go-to workout video?
Pilates of the Caribbean