Find number abc
If 75ab8 - 1ac54 = 5c254 find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist.Correct answers: 1
#brainteasers #math
Frederic TudorDied 6 Feb 1864 at age 80 (born 4 Sep 1783).American businessman who, long before the availability of electric refrigerators, created an export trade in block ice harvested from frozen fresh-water ponds in New England during Winter, and shipped to India, Europe and the Carribbean in insulated cargo holds, and stored in insulated warehouses. His first vessel left on 10 Feb 1806 to deliver ice from Boston to Martinique. In the following years, he improved methods of insulation during transport, experimented with exporting fruit preserved in the low temperature on top the ice in the ship's hold. His first cargo to Calcutta, India, arrived 13 Sep 1833. At times, he experienced huge debts. However, he managed eventually to pay off his debts and expand his ice business to produce comfortable profits.« |