Find number abc
[8111] Find number abc - If 66405 + a0868 = bc2ca find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist. - #brainteasers #math - Correct Answers: 0
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Find number abc

If 66405 + a0868 = bc2ca find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist.
Correct answers: 0
#brainteasers #math
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Two dumb fishermen

Two fishermen, Paul and Jim, decided to rent a boat on a lake for their favorite sport. After fishing for 4 hours at various places around the lake with no luck at all they decided to try one more spot before calling it quits. Suddenly things started to happen and they caught their limit inside of twenty minutes.

Paul said, Hey we should mark this spot, so next time we will know where to come,

Jim says good idea, and he took out a can of spray paint and made a large X on the floor of the boat to mark the spot.

With that Paul says, why did you do that, now anyone who rents this boat will know where to fish.

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Giacomo Doria

Died 19 Sep 1913 at age 72 (born 1 Nov 1840).Italian naturalist and explorer who conducted important research in systematic zoology. Pursuing his work, he made expeditions to Persia (1862), Borneo (1865-66) and Tunisia (1879). In 1867, he founded the civic museum of natural history in Genoa. The collection he donated became the nucleus of the museum, which he directed for more than 40 years. He was also director of Societa Geografica Italiana (1891-1900). The museum he founded now contains important zoolological, paleontological, botanical, and mineralogical collections from all over the world. These collections are continually growing, now estimated to be more than 3.5 million exhibits.
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