Granny looked up from her ro...
Granny looked up from her rocking chair and said: As far as I can tell, there is only one anagram of the word trinket. What is it?Correct answers: 41
The first user who solved this task is Rutu Raj.
#brainteasers #wordpuzzles #anagram #riddles
A taxpayer received a strongly...
A taxpayer received a strongly worded "second notice" that his taxes were overdue. Hastening to the collector's office, he paid his bill, saying apologetically that he had overlooked the first notice.
"Oh," confided the collector with a smile, "we don't send out first notices. We have found that the second notices are more effective."
"Oh," confided the collector with a smile, "we don't send out first notices. We have found that the second notices are more effective."