I have one, you have one. Ta...
[3719] I have one, you have one. Ta... - I have one, you have one. Take away a letter and a bit remains. If you remove the second, bit still remains. After much trying, you might be able to remove the first one also, but it remains. What's the word? - #brainteasers #wordpuzzles #riddles - Correct Answers: 41 - The first user who solved this task is On On Lunarbasil
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I have one, you have one. Ta...

I have one, you have one. Take away a letter and a bit remains. If you remove the second, bit still remains. After much trying, you might be able to remove the first one also, but it remains. What's the word?
Correct answers: 41
The first user who solved this task is On On Lunarbasil.
#brainteasers #wordpuzzles #riddles
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Larry's barn burned down and his wife, Susan, called the insurance company.

Susan spoke to the insurance agent and said, "We had that barn insured for fifty thousand, and I want my money."

The agent replied, "Whoa there, just a minute. Insurance doesn't work quite like that. An independent adjuster will assess the value of what was insured, and then we'll provide you with a new barn of similar worth."

There was a long pause, and then Susan replied, "If that's how it works, then I want to cancel the life insurance policy on my husband."

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Hans Fischer

Born 27 Jul 1881; died 31 Mar 1945 at age 63.German biochemist who wasawardedthe Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1930 for research into the constitution of haemin, the red blood pigment, and chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants and especially for his synthesis of haemin (1929), non-protein part of haemoglobin that gives blood its red colour. He further showed that chlorophylls are porphyrins and that they share a similar structure with haemin, but with subtle differences. Following the destruction of his laboratory during WWII air raids, dispair led to suicide, just one month before Germany surrendered.
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