If you were standing directl...
[3250] If you were standing directl... - If you were standing directly on the south pole facing north, which direction would you travel if you took one step backward? - #brainteasers #riddles - Correct Answers: 93 - The first user who solved this task is On On Lunarbasil
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If you were standing directl...

If you were standing directly on the south pole facing north, which direction would you travel if you took one step backward?
Correct answers: 93
The first user who solved this task is On On Lunarbasil.
#brainteasers #riddles
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Cruise Control

My family has a tradition of naming the cruise control on our cars. We were used to hearing my father proclaim, “Take it, Max,” as he flipped on the cruise control during long trips in our station wagon.

Recently, I was travelling with my parents in their new car when we hit a wide-open expanse of highway. My dad leaned back and said, “I think I'll let Tom drive for a while.”

“Tom who?” I asked.

My mother translated for me: “Tom Cruise, of course.”

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Grasshopper plague

In 1931, a swarm of grasshoppers descended over Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota, destroying thousands of acres of crops. Those who experienced it said it was not an exaggeration to say they were so thick that you could scoop them up in a scoop shovel. Motor travellers had to roll down the windshield to keep them from raining in on their feet. The grasshoppers had eaten the corn down to the ground, leaving not a stalk standing. Because egg pods are laid in the soil, but susceptible to fungal diseases of wet soil, survival of eggs is best during dry years. Outbreaks are often related to periods of drought.
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