Look carefully at the pictur...
[2903] Look carefully at the pictur... - Look carefully at the picture and guess the name of the second actor at the scene. - #brainteasers #movie #film #cinemania - Correct Answers: 62 - The first user who solved this task is Erkain Mahajanian
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Look carefully at the pictur...

Look carefully at the picture and guess the name of the second actor at the scene.
Correct answers: 62
The first user who solved this task is Erkain Mahajanian.
#brainteasers #movie #film #cinemania
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@DemetriMartin thinks tree houses are messed up. http://on.cc.com/1yivZ0N

A treehouse is really insensitive!

That is like killing something and then making one of his friends hold it.


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Baron Alexander von Humboldt

Born 14 Sep 1769; died 6 May 1859 at age 89. (Baron) Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt was a German natural scientist, archeologist, explorer and geographer, who made two major expeditions to Latin America (1799-1804) and to Asia (1829). During the first, equipped with the best scientific instruments, he surveyed and collected geological, zoological, botanical, and ethnographic specimens, including over 60,000 rare or new tropical plants. He charted and made observations on a cold ocean current along the Peruvian coast, now named, the Humboldt Current. In geology, he made pioneering observations of stratigraphy, structure and geomorphology; he understood the connections between volcanism and earthquakes. Humboldt named the Jurassic System.
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