Look carefully caricature an...
Look carefully caricature and guess the name of musician.Correct answers: 55
The first user who solved this task is Djordje Timotijevic.
#brainteasers #music
Kepler collaboration with BraheIn 1600, Johannes Keplerarrived in Prague to collaborate with Tycho Brahe. (Kepler had left Graz the previous month, on 1 Jan 1600.) Kepler provided mathematical calculation skills to make sense of the wealth of data that Brahe had accumulated as a enthusiastic and accomplished astronomical observer. Longomontanus had already arrived at Benárky Castle.Brahe gave Kepler the task of determining a way to reliably compute the orbit of Mars. Longomontanus was assigned to revise lunar theory until he departed on 4 Aug 1600. Meanwhile, what Kepler initially thought would take eight weeks, actually extended to eight years work. Brahe died 24 Oct 1601, having bequeathed his data, records and instruments to Kepler who ultimately derived his famous laws of planetary motion.« |