Remove 3 letters from this seq...
[5186] Remove 3 letters from this seq... - Remove 3 letters from this sequence (HUISVBAHND) to reveal a familiar English word. - #brainteasers #wordpuzzles - Correct Answers: 52 - The first user who solved this task is Djordje Timotijevic
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Remove 3 letters from this seq...

Remove 3 letters from this sequence (HUISVBAHND) to reveal a familiar English word.
Correct answers: 52
The first user who solved this task is Djordje Timotijevic.
#brainteasers #wordpuzzles
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The Local sheriff was looking...

The Local sheriff was looking for a new deputy. When a blonde walks in to try for the job, he asks her "Okay, what is 1 and 1?"
"Eleven", she replies.
The sheriff thinks to himself, "That's not what I wanted, but I guess she's right!"
"What two days of the week begin with the letter T?" he asks.
"Today and Tomorrow", the blonde answers.
The sheriff is again surprised that the blonde has supplied a correct answer that had not even occurred to him.
"Now listen carefully, who killed Abe Lincoln?" he asks her.
The blonde looks a little surprised. She thinks really hard for a minute and finally admits, "I don't know."
"Well, why don't you go home and work on that one for a while?"
So, the blonde wanders over to the beauty parlor, where her pals are waiting to hear the results of the interview.
The blonde was exultant. "The interview went great!" she says. "First day on the job and I'm already working on a murder case!"
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Thor Heyerdahl

Born 6 Oct 1914; died 18 Apr 2002 at age 87. Norwegian ethnologist and adventurer who organized and led the famous Kon-Tiki (28 Apr 1947) and Ra (1969-70) transoceanic scientific expeditions. Both expeditions were intended to prove the possibility of ancient transoceanic contacts between distant civilizations and cultures. The Kon Tiki voyage from Peru to Polynesia was a 101-day, 4,300-mile drifting voyage on the 40-sq.ft. raft, a replica of pre-Inca vessels. He wished to show that Polynesia's first settlers could have come from South America. Few scholars at the time, and almost none today, endorsed the idea. They discount the Heyerdahl hypothesis largely on linguistic, genetic and cultural grounds, all of which point to the settlers having come from the west, not the east.
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