Remove 3 letters from this seq...
[6549] Remove 3 letters from this seq... - Remove 3 letters from this sequence (BLIIGGKER) to reveal a familiar English word. - #brainteasers #wordpuzzles - Correct Answers: 36 - The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T
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Remove 3 letters from this seq...

Remove 3 letters from this sequence (BLIIGGKER) to reveal a familiar English word.
Correct answers: 36
The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T.
#brainteasers #wordpuzzles
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Not speaking...

Following an especially angry argument, Mr. and Mrs. Smith went to bed not speaking to each other. Needing to arise early the following morning, Mr. Smith left a note on his wife's bedside table that said "Wake me at six."

An exasperated Mr. Smith awoke at ten the following morning and rolled stiffly out of bed to see a note on his bedside table: "It's six, you bum! Get out of bed!"

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E. R. Squibb

Died 25 Oct 1900 at age 81 (born 4 Jul 1819).E(dward) R(obinson) Squibb was a U.S. chemist and pharmaceutical manufacturer who improved the purity and reliability of drugs. While a U.S. Navy medical officer, he convinced the Navy to manufacture their own drugs to ensure better quality. In 1851, he set up a laboratory to do this at the Brooklyn Naval Hospital. He distilled ether (for use as an anesthetic) using a still heated by a steam coil, thus eliminating the dangers of an open flame. He published the results of his discoveries instead of patenting them. Between 1852-57 he also made chloroform, bismuth salts, fluid extracts and other preparations. By 1858, he had his own business with 38 products, the start of a drug manufacturing enterprise that by1883 offered 324 products.«
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