Remove 5 letters from this seq...
[5837] Remove 5 letters from this seq... - Remove 5 letters from this sequence (AROANKINGHNG) to reveal a familiar English word. - #brainteasers #wordpuzzles - Correct Answers: 42 - The first user who solved this task is Nílton Corrêa De Sousa
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Remove 5 letters from this seq...

Remove 5 letters from this sequence (AROANKINGHNG) to reveal a familiar English word.
Correct answers: 42
The first user who solved this task is Nílton Corrêa De Sousa.
#brainteasers #wordpuzzles
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If you want...

If you want someone who will bring you the paper without first tearing it apart to remove the sports section
Buy a dog.
If you want someone willing to make a fool of himself simply over the joy of seeing you
Buy a dog.
If you want someone who will eat whatever you put in front of him and never says its not quite as good as his mother made it
Buy a dog
If you want someone always willing to go out, at any hour, for as long and wherever you want
Buy a dog.
If you want someone who will never touch the remote, doesn't care about football, and can sit next to you as you watch romantic movies
Buy a dog.
If you want someone who is content to get up on your bed just to warm your feet and whom you can push off if he snores
Buy a dog.
If you want someone who never criticises what you do, doesn't care if you are pretty or ugly, fat or thin , young or old, who acts as if every word you say is especially worthy of listening to, and loves you unconditionally, perpetually
Buy a dog.
But, on the other hand, If you want someone who will never come when you call, ignores you totally when you come home, leaves hair all over the place, walks all over you, runs around all night and only comes home to eat and sleep, and acts as if your entire existence is solely to ensure his happiness...
Buy a cat...
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First baby incubator

In 1888, a baby incubator was first used in the U.S. to care for an infant at State Emigrant Hospital on Ward's Island, New York. Edith Eleanor McLean weighed 2-lb 7-oz. Originally called a "hatching cradle," the device was 3-ft square, 4-ft high, It was designed to increase the survival rate for premature infants by the maternity ward doctors, Drs. Allan M. Thomas and William C. Deming.* At the 1904 World's Fair, Tennessean E.M. Bayliss exhibited 14 metal-framed glass incubators with constant ventilation and temperature of 90ºF, attended by nurses caring for real endangered infants from orphanages and poor families. The care of the infants was paid for by the exhibit admission fee.«[Image: Incubator exhibited at 1904 World's Fair, St. Louis.]
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