Remove 6 letters from this s...
Remove 6 letters from this sequence (KCOLNGOREKSISMEAN) to reveal a familiar English word.Correct answers: 63
The first user who solved this task is Sanja Šabović.
#brainteasers #wordpuzzles
Leonard ColebrookBorn 2 Mar 1883; died 29 Sep 1967 at age 84.English pharmacologist and medical researcher who found an effective treatment for puerperal (childbed) fever and improved the treatment of burns. Puerperal fever resulting from infection after childbirth or abortion had affected women for centuries with severe abdominal pain, or even death. Coleman read of Domagk’s successful use of Protonsil, the first sulfonamide drug, against streptococcal infection in tests on mice and a few human subjects. In 1936, Coleman published the results of his clinical trial of Protonsil curing streptococcal puerperal fever, and launched a new era of antimicrobial chemotherapy. During WW II, he supervised the use of sulphonomides in the military. He then investigated control of infection in burns.« |