Remove 6 letters from this seq...
Remove 6 letters from this sequence (FSLEONFGSVTANDINUG) to reveal a familiar English word.Correct answers: 56
The first user who solved this task is On On Lunarbasil.
#brainteasers #wordpuzzles
First U.S. patent for artificial teethIn 1822, Charles M. Graham of N.Y. was issued the first U.S. patent for artificial teeth. The record, and its details, was lost in the Patent Office fire of 15 Dec 1836. Similarly lost, the patent by William R. Eagleson for setting natural and artificial teeth (4 Oct 1817). False teeth had been used since Colonial years, with various attempts to replace rotten teeth, which were extraacted to avoid illness. George Washington had at least four sets of false teeth (though none were wooden, despite a myth to that effect). His first dentures were made using human teeth set into carved ivory. In 1789, dentist John Greenwood of New York, made Washington a complete set from hippopotamus ivory, gold wire springs and brass screws holding human teeth. His one natural remaining tooth was a molar, and a hole was left for it.«[Image: Closeup of George Washington's dentures (c.1790) with human teeth and modeled teeth carved from cow teeth and elephant ivory.] |