Remove 8 letters from this seq...
Remove 8 letters from this sequence (GROOAGNDCHAILDCORENIN) to reveal a familiar English word.Correct answers: 33
The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T.
#brainteasers #wordpuzzles
Allan BeckettBorn 4 Mar 1914; died 19 Jun 2005 at age 91.English engineer who designed the Mulberry Harbours - the floating roadways and their anchors - which enabled landing of vehicles and equipment on the Normandy beaches following D-Day in WW II. Various prototypes designs from different engineers were tested in a howling gale at Cairn Head, Scotland. Whereas the rival designs failed, his lozenge-shaped bridge spans connected by spherical bearings survived days of stormy weather without breaking apart or washing away. The "Kite" style of anchors he devised used the force of currents to bury themselves more securely in the seafloor. After the war, he designed major port developments and projects for flood protection, around the world, from Aden to New Zealand.« |