Calculate the number 4575
NUMBERMANIA: Calculate the number 4575 using numbers [5, 5, 2, 3, 94, 614] and basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /). Each of the numbers can be used only once.Correct answers: 11
The first user who solved this task is Thinh Ddh.
#brainteasers #math #numbermania

Why Karaoke is better than sex...
- With Karaoke, you're always sure you can find someone worse than you are.
- You don't feel obligated to buy someone dinner for singing Karaoke with you.
- When you sing Karaoke, it's OK to have multiple partners.
- It's OK to sing Karaoke with your sister.
- With Karaoke, you never have to be sorry about forgetting your lines.
- It's OK to drink too much and sing Karaoke.
- With Karaoke, no one will complain about the size of your microphone.
- It's OK to sing Karaoke in front of your neighbors.
- You'll never feel uncomfortable knowing your parents still sing Karaoke.
- No one complains about a 3-minute Karaoke performance.