Calculate the number 4421
[7004] Calculate the number 4421 - NUMBERMANIA: Calculate the number 4421 using numbers [7, 9, 6, 8, 24, 614] and basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /). Each of the numbers can be used only once. - #brainteasers #math #numbermania - Correct Answers: 8 - The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T
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Calculate the number 4421

NUMBERMANIA: Calculate the number 4421 using numbers [7, 9, 6, 8, 24, 614] and basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /). Each of the numbers can be used only once.
Correct answers: 8
The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T.
#brainteasers #math #numbermania
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John Smith started the day ear...

John Smith started the day early, having set his alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN) for 6 am.

While his coffeepot (MADE IN CHINA) was perking, he shaved with his electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG), and put on a dress shirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA), designer jeans (MADE IN SINGAPORE) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA).

After cooking his breakfast in his new electric skillet (MADE IN INDIA), he sat down with his calculator (MADE IN MEXICO), to see how much he could spend today.

After setting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN) to the radio (MADE IN INDIA), he got in his car (MADE IN JAPAN), filled it with GAS (from SAUDI ARABIA) to continued his search for a good paying AMERICAN JOB.

At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day checking his Computer (made in MALAYSIA), John decided to relax for a while.

He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL), poured himself a glass of wine (MADE IN FRANCE) and turned on his TV (MADE IN INDONESIA)...
And then wondered why he can't find a good paying job in AMERICA.

And now he is hoping he can get help from the president (MADE IN KENYA)?
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Rubber patent

In 1820, Thomas Hancock's first patent was dated. It was for the application of rubber in clothing where some elasticity was useful, such as braces (suspenders) or slip-on boots. Thus began his wish to find uses for rubber, which until then had limited worth due to its poor properties, being hard and liable to crack in winter cold and sticky in summer heat. Later, he invented a “masticator” which fed waste rubber through a spiked roller rotating in a hollow cylinder and produced a homogeneous mass of solid rubber resulting from the pressure appled and heat generated during the process. When rolled into sheets or compacted into blocks, the product was suitable to make various articles. Thus, he became the founder of the British rubber industry.
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