Calculate the number 5166
[7709] Calculate the number 5166 - NUMBERMANIA: Calculate the number 5166 using numbers [8, 4, 2, 5, 28, 503] and basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /). Each of the numbers can be used only once. - #brainteasers #math #numbermania - Correct Answers: 1
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Calculate the number 5166

NUMBERMANIA: Calculate the number 5166 using numbers [8, 4, 2, 5, 28, 503] and basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /). Each of the numbers can be used only once.
Correct answers: 1
#brainteasers #math #numbermania
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Grandma Loves Oranges

A young teenaged girl was a prostitute and, for obvious reasons, kept it a secret from her Grandma. One day, the police raided a brothel and arrested a group of prostitutes, including the young girl.
The prostitutes were instructed to line up in a straight line on the sidewalk. Well, who should be walking in the neighborhood, but little old Grandma. The young girl became frantic.
Sure enough, Grandma noticed her young granddaughter and asked curiously, "What are you lining up for dear?" Not willing to let grandma in on her secret, the young girl said that some people were giving out free oranges and that she was lining up for some.
"Mmmm, sounds lovely," said Grandma, "I think I'll have some myself," she continued as she made her way to the back of the line. A police officer made his way down the line, questioning all of the prostitutes. When he got to Grandma at the end of the line, he was bewildered. "But, you're so old, how do you do it?"

Grandma replied," Oh, it's quite easy sonny, I just remove my dentures and suck 'em dry."

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Kepler's Law

In 1618, Johannes Kepler discovered his harmonics law published in his five-volume work Harmonices Mundi (Harmony of the Worlds, 1619). He attempted to explain proportions and geometry in planetary motions by relating them to musical scales and intervals (an extension of what Pythagoras had described as the “harmony of the spheres”.) Kepler said each planet produces musical tones during its revolution about the sun, and the pitch of the tones varies with the angular velocities of those planets as measured from the sun. The Earth sings Mi, Fa, Mi. At very rare intervals all planets would sing in perfect concord. Kepler proposed that this may have happened only once in history, perhaps at the time of creation.«[Image: Title page from Kepler's Harmonices Mundi.]
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