Correct Answers: 1 - Total Answers: 2
Guess the Flex WORDLE in 3 tries. After each try, the color of the tiles will change to show how close your guess is to the solution.
If the tile becomes GREEN, your number or operation is located at correct place. If the tile becomes RED, your number or opeartion exists within the expression, but at different place.
Joke Of The Day
The Auction
One day a man went to an auction. While there, he bid on a parrot. He really wanted this bird, so he got caught up in the bidding. He kept on bidding, but kept getting outbid, so he bid higher and higher and higher. Finally, after he bid way more than he intended, he won the bid - the parrot was his at last!
As he was paying for the parrot, he said to the auctioneer, "I sure hope this parrot can talk. I would hate to have paid this much for it, only to find out that he can't talk!"
"Don't worry," said the auctioneer, "He can talk. Who do you think kept bidding against you?"
On This Day
Charles Thurstan HollandDied 16 Jan 1941 (born Mar 1863).English radiologist who pioneered the clinical use of X-rays in the UK, beginning shortly after Wilhelm Röntgen announced their discovery. He was present at the first clinical use of X-rays in England, (7 Feb 1896) in the laboratory of Oliver Lodge, head of the physics department at Liverpool University. The wrist of a 12-year-old boy who had shot himself the previous month was examined. The boy had been brought there by surgeon Sir Robert Jones who with Lodge reported the case in the 22 Feb 1896 of The Lancet. Jones subsequently financed an X-ray apparatus for Holland to pioneer radiology at Royal Southern Hospital, Liverpool. During WWI, he perfected methods of detecting bullets and shell fragments in patients' bodies.«[Image: X-ray from 1896 of hand with buckshot made at Columbia University, USA] |