Can you replace the question mark with a number?
MATH PUZZLE: Can you replace the question mark with a number?Correct answers: 343
The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T.
#brainteasers #math #riddles
Charles Willson PealeDied 22 Feb 1827 at age 85 (born 15 Apr 1741).American artist and naturalist who opened the first U.S. popular Museum of Natural Science and Art. Alongside fame as a portraitist, Peale maintained a diverse interest in science. He used a physiognotrace machine used to record profiles and make silhouettes. He patented a fireplace, porcelain false teeth, and a new kind of wooden bridge. He invented a technique to put motion with pictures and wrote papers on engineering and hygiene. He perfected a kind of portable writing desk, named the polygraph, which reproduced several copies of a manuscript at once. In 1786, he established the first U.S. scientific museum with both living and stuffed specimens, and later a complete mastodon skeleton he helped excavate (1801).« |