Find number abc
[3862] Find number abc - If 1948b - 1a8c0 = 2a1b find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist. - #brainteasers #math - Correct Answers: 52 - The first user who solved this task is Manguexa Wagle
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Find number abc

If 1948b - 1a8c0 = 2a1b find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist.
Correct answers: 52
The first user who solved this task is Manguexa Wagle.
#brainteasers #math
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Baseball bat

After spending 3-1/2 hours enduring the long lines, surly clerks and insane regulations at the department of motor vehicles, a lady stopped at a toy store to pick up a gift for her son. She brought her selection - a baseball bat to the cash register.

"Cash or charge," the clerk asked.

"Cash," she snapped. Then apologizing for her rudeness, she explained, "I've spent the afternoon at the motor-vehicle bureau. I am not too sane right now!!"

"Shall I gift wrap the bat?" the clerk asked sweetly, "Or or you going back?"

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Sir George Biddell Airy

Born 27 Jul 1801; died 2 Jan 1892 at age 90. English astronomer and mathematician who became the seventh Astronomer Royal (1836-92). In his life he studied interference fringes in optics, made a mathematical study of the rainbow and computed the density of the Earth by swinging a pendulum at the top and bottom of a deep mine, determined the mass of the planet Jupiter and its period rotation, calculated the orbits of comets and cataloged stars. He designed corrective lenses for astigmatism (1825), the first that worked. His motivation was his own astigmatism. Airy had a long-standing battle with Babbage. In 1854, the conflict continued between the two during the battle of the incompatible railway gauges in England. Airy championed the railway narrow gauge and Babbage for the wide gauge.
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