Find number abc
If 759ab - cc620 = ababb find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist.Correct answers: 27
The first user who solved this task is Nílton Corrêa de Sousa.
#brainteasers #math
Horace WellsDied 24 Jan 1848 at age 33 (born 21 Jan 1815).American dentist, a pioneer in the use of surgical anesthesia. On 10 Dec 1844, Wells saw a demonstration of the euphoric effects of inhaling nitrous oxide given by a travelling showman, Gardner Quincy Colton. At the show, he noticed a man under its influence had stumbled, injuring his leg, but who claimed to feel no pain. Next day, Wells had Colton administer nitrous oxide to him while having a tooth extracted by an associate. This experiment was a success, and Wells adopted the gas in his dental practice. In Jan 1845, he presented his procedure to a medical school class at Harvard University, but the gas was removed too soon from the patient, who then complained of pain. Thus the demonstration failed, and he lost his rightful recognition. |