Find number abc
If c4ab5 + c75b1 = 171cab find number abc. Multiple solutions may exist.Correct answers: 23
The first user who solved this task is Nasrin 24 T.
#brainteasers #math
Sir Howard Walter FloreyDied 21 Feb 1968 at age 69 (born 24 Sep 1898). Australian pathologist, who, with Ernst Boris Chain, researched, isolated and purified penicillin for general clinical use. From 1939, he worked with Chain on natural antibacterial agents produced by microorganisms, leading to their isolation, purification and determination of the chemical structure of penicillin. They performed the first clinical trials of the antibiotic.They shared the 1945 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine with Sir Alexander Fleming, who had discovered antibiotic penicillin in 1928. Florey was knighted in 1944. |