MATH PUZZLE: Can you replace...
MATH PUZZLE: Can you replace the question mark with a number?Correct answers: 759
The first user who solved this task is Djordje Timotijevic.
#brainteasers #math #riddles
Raymond LoewyBorn 5 Nov 1893; died 14 Jul 1986 at age 92. French-born American inventor and design engineer, known as the “Father of Streamlining.” Famous examples of his designs include the Studebaker1947 Starlight Coupe, the 1953 Starliner Coupe and the 1961 Avanti - designs that generated a public interest and acceptance far out of proportion to the company's relative size in the industry; the 1947 line of Hallicrafter radio receivers that conveyed a crisp precision far ahead of their time; the 1929 Gestetner duplicating machine, the 1934 Sears Coldspot Refrigerator and the S-1 Steam locomotive for the Pennsylvania Railroad - all landmark designs influential in establishing higher design standards in their respective design areas. He also designed such smaller items as toothbrushes, razors, furniture and the Coca Cola Bottle. |