Make the palindrome of the following letters: E, E, G, I, I, N, N, P, P, R, R, S, S, S, S, U, U, Y, YCorrect answers: 26
The first user who solved this task is Sanja Šabović.
#brainteasers #wordpuzzles #palindrome
Chuck Norris, Arnold Swartzena...
Chuck Norris, Arnold Swartzenagger, and Jean Claud VanDam, were talking one day. Chuck Norris asked, "If you were a musician, who would you be?".
Chuck Norris said, "I would be Motzart."
Jean Claud VanDam said, "I would be Bethoven."
Arnold then said, "I'll be Bach!"
Chuck Norris said, "I would be Motzart."
Jean Claud VanDam said, "I would be Bethoven."
Arnold then said, "I'll be Bach!"