Remove 7 letters from this seq...
Remove 7 letters from this sequence (TRQAZNSUPARJVBEQNT) to reveal a familiar English word.Correct answers: 45
The first user who solved this task is Djordje Timotijevic.
#brainteasers #wordpuzzles
Jean CruveilhierBorn 9 Feb 1791; died 10 Mar 1874 at age 83.French pathologist, anatomist, and physician who wrote several important works on pathological anatomy. He was essentially a researcher and experimenter. He was not known for his abilities as a clinician or teacher, but gained notoriety from the illustrations contained in his chief work Anatomie pathologique du corps humain (1828-1842) and the Traité d'anatomie pathologique générale (1849-1864). He was the first to describe multiple sclerosis, and gave an account of progressive muscular atrophy (sometimes called Cruveilhier's atrophy or paralysis). His injections of mercury into blood vessels and bronchial systems made possible the concepts of embolism and infarction developed by Virchow. |