You have no control over me,...
You have no control over me, I am not real, though sometimes you believe me, I come back every night, but am often forgotten, Though left alone, I will never become rotten, Sometimes I remind you of things yet to come, Sometimes, watching me, you do things you've never done, I rarely ever turn out to be true, Now I am done with this riddle for you. What am I?Correct answers: 74
The first user who solved this task is Djordje Timotijevic.
#brainteasers #riddles
How did the pharaoh get so rich?
How did the pharaoh get so rich?
He was running a huge pyramid scheme...
A few more related pun's:
To be pharaoh, it worked.(isolophobichermit of reddit user)
Pharoah 'nough.(kishenoy reddit user)
Joke found on , Submitted September 20, 2018 by TacoNumeroJuan
Photo: Bild von Tammy Cuff auf Pixabay