Calculate the number 3587
[8025] Calculate the number 3587 - NUMBERMANIA: Calculate the number 3587 using numbers [7, 4, 4, 9, 83, 718] and basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /). Each of the numbers can be used only once. - #brainteasers #math #numbermania - Correct Answers: 0
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Calculate the number 3587

NUMBERMANIA: Calculate the number 3587 using numbers [7, 4, 4, 9, 83, 718] and basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /). Each of the numbers can be used only once.
Correct answers: 0
#brainteasers #math #numbermania
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Used Car

It was a small town and the patrolman was making his evening rounds As he was checking a used car lot, he came upon two little old ladies sitting in a used car. He stopped and asked them if they were stealing the car. They said "Heavens no, we bought it."
He said, "Then why don't you drive it away".
Each of the women said "We can't drive".
The officer momentarily shook his head and then asked "Then why did you buy it?"
They answered, "We were told if we bought a car here, we'd get screwed, so we are just waiting.

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Model T Ford first production

In 1908, the first production Ford Model T car left the factory. It was assembled at the Piquette Avenue Plant in Detroit, Michigan, which had built various earlier models (Models B, D, F, K, N, R, S) in prior four years. The Model T was introduced on 1 Oct 1908. It had a 20-hp 4-cylinder engine, with versions starting at $850. The first 12,000 model Ts were built at this plant, before production was transferred to a new, larger factory at highland Park. It was produced for 19 years, until by 26 May 1927, some 15 million had been manufactured, making a historic impact on society. Refining the process over the years reduced production time by 1913 from 12-hr 8-min to 1-hr 33-min. By the end of Model T era, a vehicle left the assembly line every 24-sec. Black paint was the quickest to dry.«
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